Roof Inspections: What to Look for and Why They’re Important

Roof inspection and maintenance steps and goals

Roof inspections are most certainly not as exciting as picking out new paint colors or landscaping your backyard, but trust us, it’s way more important. Think of your roof like a trusty old hat. It protects you from the elements, keeps you dry, and generally just makes life a whole lot better. But even the […]

Guide to Preventing Roof Leaks and Water Damage

Two men collect water leaking from the ceiling using buckets. One man is on the phone, possibly arranging for immediate help to prevent further water damage. Logo at the bottom reads "QUALIS Roofing & Construction".

Few things are more comforting than curling up with a good book and a soft blanket as raindrops tap onto your roof. On the flip side, almost nothing runs those cozy moments faster than a dreaded “drip, drip, drip,” a ceiling stain that looks like it would feel right at home in a horror movie, […]

How to Maintain a Roof

A red chair sits on top of a shingled roof, showcasing the unique craftsmanship of our roofing company.

Whether you’re planning your own DIY project, or are just curious on how to maintain a roof for your future home, knowing what to look for and how to prevent serious deterioration can make all the difference in repair costs. No matter the type of roof you’re working on, our handy guide will help you […]